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RISE UP Urban Vulnerability Atlas

Hotspot Area: Central Honiara

Overall Vulnerability: Very High

Urban vulnerability: High

Climate vulnerability: Very High

Biodiversity vulnerability: Very High

Unplanned Built Form
The unplanned built form is noted to be preventing off-shore breezes from penetrating the settlements
Informal Settlements
Informal settlements compound climate risks by blocking rivers, spreading disease, and polluting critical ecosystem services

Low-lying coastal and riverside communities, mostly consisting of high-density, informal settlements with poor housing conditions and limited access to services are also the areas most exposed and sensitive to flooding and storm surges, and have little coping capacity during severe rain and flood events.

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Informal settlement dwellers in poor quality housing located on low-lying coastal areas highly exposed to coastal flooding, coastal erosion and storm surges.

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Concentration of low-income households with high socio-economic deprivation located in precarious coastal zones.

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Coastal vegetation and areas of rich biodiversity, such as mangroves and coral reefs, have very little defense to erosion and bleaching caused by rising temperatures and extreme weather events.

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Land use changes, urban expansion, deforestation, and logging has threatened species intactness and fragmented or destroyed habitats.

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Damaged and aging transport infrastructure, drainage systems, and power grid are affected by riverine flooding, resulting in reduced access and mobility, as well as service disruptions and loss.

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Road network's poor coverage and conditions result in flooding during heavy rains, limiting emergency access to the most deprived neighborhoods.

RISE UP Urban Vulnerability Atlas