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Polygons of Myanmar Township boundaries (Admin3) with Sub-regions, based on the latest MIMU Pcode version 9.3 . Place names from General Administration Department (GAD), are available in Myanmar Unicode. Transliteration in roman script by MIMU.<\/SPAN><\/P> This dataset was mainly digitized at 1:250,000 scale. Place names are in line with the general cartographic practice to reflect the names of such places as designated by the host governments.<\/SPAN><\/P> - Date of Dataset: May 31, 2021-May 31, 2021<\/SPAN><\/P> - Updated: 24 June 2021<\/SPAN><\/P> The information contained on this product is provided \u201cas is\u201d, for reference purposes only, based on current available information. The United Nations and the MIMU specifically do not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of such information nor does it imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Please share any errors or omissions via maps@themimu.info.<\/SPAN><\/P> This product has been prepared for operational purposes only, to support humanitarian and development activities in Myanmar. Copyright ©2021 Myanmar Information Management Unit. MIMU geospatial datasets cannot be used on online platform unless with prior written agreement from MIMU. MIMU products are not for sale and can be used free of charge with attribution. For more <\/SPAN>information see http://themimu.info/mimu-terms-conditions.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
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