01 Landcover S2 2023 (Esri) (0)
| Water |
| Trees |
| Flooded vegetation |
| Crops |
| Built Area |
| Bare ground |
| Snow/Ice |
| Clouds |
| Rangeland |
02 Elevation 2023 (FABDEM) (1)
| -10 - 5 |
| 5 - 10 |
| 10 - 15 |
| 15 - 20 |
| 20 - 1,051 |
03 Slope in Degree 2023 (FABDEM) (2)
| 1 - 15 |
| 16 - 25 |
| 26 - 35 |
| 36 - 45 |
| 46 - 80 |
04 Aspect 2023 (FABDEM) (3)
| Flat (-1) |
| North (0-22.5) |
| Northeast (22.5-67.5) |
| East (67.5-112.5) |
| Southeast (112.5-157.5) |
| South (157.5-202.5) |
| Southwest (202.5-247.5) |
| West (247.5-292.5) |
| Northwest (292.5-337.5) |
| North (337.5-360) |
05 Flood inundation 50YR (MRVA) (4)
| Not Affected |
| Very Shallow (0 - 0.3) |
| Shallow (0.3 - 0.9) |
| Medium (0.9 - 1.8) |
| Deep (1.8 - 3.6) |
| Very Deep (>3.6) |
06 PGA corresponding to earthquake 500YR (MRVA) (5)
| Low (0.05-0.15) |
| Medium (0.15-0.35) |
| High (0.35-0.5) |
07 Accessibility to Roads 2024 (UNOSAT) (6)
| 0.001 - 5 |
| 5.001 - 15 |
| 15.001 - 30 |
| 30.001 - 60 |
| 60.001 - 1,000 |
08 Accessibility to School Facilities 2024 (UNOSAT) (7)
| 0.001 - 5 |
| 5.001 - 15 |
| 15.001 - 30 |
| 30.001 - 60 |
| 60.001 - 1,000 |
09 Accessibility to Health Facilities 2024 (UNOSAT) (8)
| 0.001 - 5 |
| 5.001 - 15 |
| 15.001 - 30 |
| 30.001 - 60 |
| 60.001 - 1,000 |