01 Landcover S2 (Esri, 2023) (0)
| Water |
| Trees |
| Flooded vegetation |
| Crops |
| Built Area |
| Bare ground |
| Snow/Ice |
| Clouds |
| Rangeland |
02 Slope in Degree (FABDEM, 2023) (1)
| 1 - 15 |
| 16 - 25 |
| 26 - 35 |
| 36 - 45 |
| 46 - 80 |
03 Aspect (FABDEM, 2023) (2)
| Flat (-1) |
| North (0-22.5) |
| Northeast (22.5-67.5) |
| East (67.5-112.5) |
| Southeast (112.5-157.5) |
| South (157.5-202.5) |
| Southwest (202.5-247.5) |
| West (247.5-292.5) |
| Northwest (292.5-337.5) |
| North (337.5-360) |
04 Elevation (FABDEM, 2023) (3)
| 613 - 1,000 |
| 1,000 - 1,200 |
| 1,200 - 1,500 |
| 1,500 - 2,000 |
| 2,000 - 5,000 |
05 Population (Meta, 2020) (4)
| 0 - 5 |
| 5 - 10 |
| 10 - 25 |
| 25 - 100 |
| 100 - 1,000 |
06 Landslide Susceptibility Induced by Rainfall (SMCE, 2018) (7)
| Not prone |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
07 Windstorm (ADCON, 2002-2016) (8)
| Very low (10.8-14.5) |
| Low (14.5-20) |
| Moderate (20.0-22.0) |
| High (22.0-28.0) |
| Very High (>28.0) |
08 Seismic RP100 (USGA, 1900-2017) (9)
| IV (PGA(g) <0.014) |
| V (PGA(g) 0.014-0.039) |
| VI (PGA(g) 0.039-0.092) |
| VII (PGA(g) 0.092-0.18) |
| VIII (PGA(g) 0.18-0.22) |
09 Lightening (NASA SEVIRI, 1998-2017) (10)
| Very Low |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very High |
10 Flood (SRTM modelling in Hec-RAS, 2018) (11)
| Not prone |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very High |
11 SPI Drought ((UNMA) 1980-2014) (12)
| Very low |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very high |
12 Hailstorm (UNMA, 2002-2016) (13)
| Very low (<1) |
| Low (1-3) |
| Moderate (3-5) |
| High (>5) |
13 Accessibility to Schools (UNOSAT, 2024) (14)
| 0 - 5 mins |
| 5 - 15 mins |
| 15 - 30 mins |
| 30 - 60 mins |
| |
14 Accessibility to Hospitals (UNOSAT, 2024) (15)
| 0 - 5 mins |
| 5 - 15 mins |
| 15 - 30 mins |
| 30 - 60 mins |
| |
15 Accessibility to Roads (UNOSAT, 2024) (16)
| 0 - 5 mins |
| 5 - 15 mins |
| 15 - 30 mins |
| 30 - 60 mins |
| |
16 Protected Area (WDPA, 2023) (17)
| Unprotected Areas |
| Protected Areas |