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Legend (NORAD/VUT_MCDA_Datasets)

01 Landcover S2 2023 (Esri) (0)
Water Water
Trees Trees
Flooded vegetation Flooded vegetation
Crops Crops
Built Area Built Area
Bare ground Bare ground
Snow/Ice Snow/Ice
Clouds Clouds
Rangeland Rangeland
02 Landcover S2 2021 (ESA) (1)
Tree cover Tree cover
Shrubland Shrubland
Grassland Grassland
Cropland Cropland
Built-up Built-up
Bare / sparse vegetation Bare / sparse vegetation
Permanent water bodies Permanent water bodies
Herbaceous wetland Herbaceous wetland
Mangroves Mangroves
03 Forest/Non-Forest 2020 (JAXA) (2)
No data No data
Forest (>90% crown cover) Forest (>90% crown cover)
Forest (10-90% crown cover) Forest (10-90% crown cover)
Non-forest Non-forest
Water Water
04 Elevation 2023 (FABDEM) (3)
0 - 138.9 0 - 138.9
138.9 - 336.2 138.9 - 336.2
336.2 - 577.3 336.2 - 577.3
577.3 - 935.4 577.3 - 935.4
935.4 - 1,863.5 935.4 - 1,863.5
05 Slope in Degree 2024 (FABDEM) (4)
0 - 15 0 - 15
15 - 25 15 - 25
45 - 35 45 - 35
25 - 45 25 - 45
35 - 74 35 - 74
06 Aspect 2024 (FABDEM) (5)
Flat (-1) Flat (-1)
North (0-22.5) North (0-22.5)
Northeast (22.5-67.5) Northeast (22.5-67.5)
East (67.5-112.5) East (67.5-112.5)
Southeast (112.5-157.5) Southeast (112.5-157.5)
South (157.5-202.5) South (157.5-202.5)
Southwest (202.5-247.5) Southwest (202.5-247.5)
West (247.5-292.5) West (247.5-292.5)
Northwest (292.5-337.5) Northwest (292.5-337.5)
North (337.5-360) North (337.5-360)
07 Water Seasonality 2021 (JRC) (6)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
255 255
08 Earthquake PGA 500 yrs (SPC) (7)
≤ 0.092 (Moderate) ≤ 0.092 (Moderate)
≤ 0.18 (Strong) ≤ 0.18 (Strong)
≤ 0.34 (Very strong) ≤ 0.34 (Very strong)
≤ 0.65 (Severe) ≤ 0.65 (Severe)
≤ 1.24 (Violent) ≤ 1.24 (Violent)
09 Tropical Cyclone 100 yrs (SPC) (8)
≤ 95 (Category 1) ≤ 95 (Category 1)
≤ 110 (Category 2) ≤ 110 (Category 2)
≤ 129 (Category 3) ≤ 129 (Category 3)
≤ 156 (Category 4) ≤ 156 (Category 4)
10 Flood Susceptibility HAND50k (NASADEM) (9)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
11 Population 2018 (Facebook) (10)
0 - 5 0 - 5
5 - 10 5 - 10
10 - 25 10 - 25
25 - 100 25 - 100
100 - 314 100 - 314
12 Protected Area May2024 (WDPA) (11)
Unprotected Area Unprotected Area
Protected Area Protected Area
13 Accessibility to Roads 2024 (UNOSAT) (12)
0 - 5 mins 0 - 5 mins
5 - 15 mins 5 - 15 mins
15 - 30 mins 15 - 30 mins
30 - 60 mins 30 - 60 mins
14 Accessibility to Schools 2024 (UNOSAT) (13)
0 - 5 mins 0 - 5 mins
5 - 15 mins 5 - 15 mins
15 - 30 mins 15 - 30 mins
30 - 60 mins 30 - 60 mins
15 Accessibility to Hospitals 2024 (UNOSAT) (14)
0 - 5 mins 0 - 5 mins
5 - 15 mins 5 - 15 mins
15 - 30 mins 15 - 30 mins
30 - 60 mins 30 - 60 mins